Listen to the prophet prayers in the Quran


You're welcomed to FREE install this wonderful app from Galaxy Store - Click here

Shake your device and ask this app by saying the prophet you want to hear his doaa, and our app will say to you what you have asked !

This application is an interactive application that provides prayers of prophets. This is a simple and safe application that is available for free.
This app have a boy named "Tamer" which you can ask him questions after shaking your device.
This app is a very useful and helpful tool for Muslims. It can be used to pray, it has doaas of prophets,
For example :
تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا ابراهيم
Tamer what is the Doaa of prophet ibrahim?
and the will say to you : the doaa of prophet Ibrahim.

You must begin Your question with the boy's name and the name of prophet.

you can ask the boy This question :
تامر كيف حالك؟
Tamer how are you?
The app will answer.

Shake your device and ask Tamer one of these questions (In arabic language) and you will be answered.

*Tamer, what is the Doaa of our master Ibrahim?
* Tamer, what is the Doaa of our master Jacob?
* Tamer What is the Doaa of our master Musa?
* Tamer, what is the Doaa of our master Jesus?
* Tamer, what is the Doaa of Prophet Yunus?
* Tamer What is Adam's prayer?
* Tamer, what is the Doaa of our master Ayoub?
* Tamer What is the Doaa of our master Muhammad
* Tamer, what is the Doaa of our master Shuaib?
* Tamer What is the Doaa of our master Suleiman
* Tamer, what is the Doaa of our master Yusuf?
* Tamer, what is the Doaa of our master Zakaria?
*Tamer how are you?
* Tamer what time is it ?

قم بهز الهاتف ، ثم اسأل تامر أحد هذه الأسئلة :
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا إبراهيم ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا يعقوب ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا موسى ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا عيسى ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا يونس ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا آدم ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا أيوب ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا محمد ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا شعيب ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا سليمان ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا يوسف ؟
•تامر ما هو دعاء سيدنا زكريا ؟
•تامر كيف حالك ؟
تامر ما هي الساعة الآن؟


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